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        You are here: >> Conference >> ACPAA-CNCPI Joint Meeting was Held in Beijing
        ACPAA-CNCPI Joint Meeting was Held in Beijing


        A delegation of the Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle(CNCPI) led by Mr. Alain MICHELET, president of CNCPI,visited Beijing and held ACPAA-CNCPI Joint meeting with ACPAA on November 14, 2016. Mr. Perry Yang Wu, together with other ACPAA members, attended the ACPAA-CNCPI Joint meeting and exchanged information about recent work and changes in IP field with CNCPI delegation.

        At the joint meeting, Mr. Wang Dazuo, standing board member of ACPAA, introduced the Recent Development in Chinese Patent Law to the delegates. Then, the CNCPI delegates presented the following subjects to the ACPAA attendees and explained thoroughly with each topic:The Impact of British Brexit on European patent system, possible countermeasures and available advice for foreign applicants, Fast-track Examination - Procedure for French patents - Acceleration of prosecution before EPO, Introduction about IP protection on French Exhibition and advice on IP protection of Chinese enterprises in French market.

        The meeting provided domestic patent attorneys such an opportunity to have an access to the recent changes on European IP system after the British Brexit. It also deepened the friendship between CNCPI and ACPAA.

        All China Patent Agents Association